Alright, it's finally here >_< Here's what I promised for Tsuna's birthday last week once I realised I forgot O_________O Sorry for the lateness, been sick more of the week X_X (great excuse for not going to school though, even though I feel like shit ._.)
Anyway, just a really short piece about Tsuna's birthday ^^ Honestly, while I was scanlating this, I can't help but think 'Hibari, you really are one strange dude O_O'
Title: Happy Days
Mangaka: Katakuriko
Circle: CAOS
Scanlator: me (whistle)
Character/Pairing: HibarixTsuna
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Hibari missed Tsuna's birthday, what shall he do?
Note: Please do not share this anywhere else. PLEASE SUPPORT THE MANGAKA BY BUYING THE DOUJINSHI.
Okay, if anyone thought the Hibari internal monologue was weird, it's really not my fault >_< Hibari is just weird >.> I didn't even know what he was thinking T_T Except that I really wanted to tell Tsuna to run XPPPPPPPPP Oh wells, too late now =P
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