Got tagged by
ends_of_time about half a year ago *is very ashamed*, I just realised now ;____________; I'm SORRY!!!
...anyway, looks fun XD I will give it a try ^_^
Oh, and just randomly, I tag:
bichvan ,
craze_izumi ,
rubysp720 ,
natsumi3173 ,
hibari_rikuo ,
ka_yakusoku and
kara_sensei (hopefully you guys are better than me ._. God, I'm so slow at these things >.>)
1. How has LJ changed your life?
Um.... made me realise there's actually a lot of people that share my common interest? Dunno... I don't really use it as a journal or anything, but it's definitely nice meeting new friends and seeing all the great stuff people post XD
2. What do you do before bedtime?
Surfing the net, which I probably have been doing the moment I got up and throughout the day. Or if it's before exams, then I'll probably be cramming like hell. Procrastination is just so fun....
3. What are you going to have for dinner tonight?
...Food? >__________>;; I eat whatever that's on the table ._. As long as there's meat, I'm happy ^^
4. What is the city of your dreams, and why?
Um.... tough choice... I will chose Las Vegas for now since it's one of the places I want to visit. Mainly because the night view is absolutely stunning, and I heard there's a great nightlife there. That or maybe Shibuya, Japan XD
5. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Depending on the situation. I'm an extrovert with my friends (my friend call me the "bright and happy" girl O_o), though I can be quite an introvert when I'm in a new crowd. It also depends if I've had any drinks either..... That is a different story XD
6. Name something you wish you could do in your freetime, but don't actually do.
Sleep, honestly, I'm a sleep-freak. I love sleeping. I dunno why, when I have nothing to do, I just want to lie on my soft and comfy bed and just dream away. Though, usually, I get distracted by work/homework/annoyings-things-known-as-RL etc etc, so yeah, never really have a chance to sleep away~~~~
7. Do you trust easily?
Not really, there's only handful of people I actually do trust. However, I'm usually don't have many secrets anyway, so I'm quite open with people, even if I just met them for the first time. But yeah, I don't go sprouting my inner feelings to strangers, no, I do that only with my best friends ^^
8. What personal belonging do you have with you everywhere you go?
Nothing.... I would say my watch, except I take it off the moment I get home. I try to take my phone everywhere I go... but that never works since I always forget. I don't have any special jewelry or anything that I feel complied to wear either (or that I just get bored of weating it ._.) so yeah...>____> I'm a REALLY forgetful person.
9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
My exam results.....damn, uni can blow away my happy times anytime of the year. Oh and the swine flu! Dammit, I was thinking of going to America too....
10. What is your best quality? my so-called "bouncy" attitude? (as labeled by my friend?). I dunno *shrugs* I guess I must have some nice quality (since I do have friends, lol), I just eh... need to find it.....
11. Do you plan on changing questions in this meme, or are you too lazy for that?
Waaaaaaaaaaaaay too lazy! And I meant to be studying too....
12. How do you see yourself? What's your favourite fruit?
Okay... I changed a questiong O_O Meh... whatever, the original was weird >_> Anyway, I LOVE watermelon!!!!!! I don't know why, it's just water and... yeah, but I'm absolutely crazy about it!
13. Who are currently the most important people to you?
My family, and that will never change.
14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
A great fanfiction writer!!!!!!!!!!!! God, I've read her stories soooooooo many times, and it's like absolutely great!!!! I haven't actually chatted with her (but I do go through her lj, lol, yes I stalk those I like), and she sounds like a nice person ^_________^ Of course it's an added plus that she writes absolutely fantastic fanfiction (if anyone is a ZoSan fan, go read her fanfics!).
15. Would you rather be single and rich, or married and poor?
Single and rich, I'm a realist. And I don't believe in marriage anyway >.> (yes yes I'm cnyical XP)
16. How many children do you want to have, if any?
Right now, I don't have enough faith to believe I will be a good mother, so no, I don't want any children.
17. What's better, to give or to receive?
Eh....receiving? Since it's the lazier easier option XD
18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, which one would you pick?
Hasn't happened yet, so I wouldn't know. Obviously, there should be one that I love more so I will pick that one.
19. Would you have 100% safe sex with a stranger for $10,000,000?
Depends on my situation I guess and who the guy is. If I'm in real need of money (eg in the streets, etc) then yeah, I probably will, if not, then I don't see the point.
20. What were your parents going to name you if you were born the opposite gender?
LOL! Probably the same name I have now XD Chinese names are very flexible :P
Gah, finally done... realise I forgot to make this post available to public ._. Anyway, anyone can tell I got really lazy with the last few answers?