No one will read this, so good.

Dec 27, 2006 19:59

Im so fucking sick of Tucson and everyone in Tucson. Fuck you and your problems, this town is so messed up and pathetic. The ones I do care about are leaving here so it doesn't matter anyways. I'm going to be laughing my ass off the day I graduate and the day I leave for college. everyone I know is a bunch of pathetic has beens who are so fucking lazy and only dig themselves graves. I love my family but damn, even some people who are related to me make me disapointed and make me realize there's nothing for me here. I use to give a shit and I use to care about others but fuck that, I couldn't care less now. I dont give a rats ass if you're doing drugs or having sex with who the fuck ever. I don't care if you get great grades and get a free ride to college. I dont give a fuck if you dont know what to do with your life. Haha i dont fucking care about anyone anymore and I'm sorry but at some point you realize you have to fend for yourself and at some point you realize we all die alone. i guess the point i realized this was today. I'm so sick of the kids at mountain view, all i see there are obnoxious little shits who run around screaming and saying they're so hardcore. fuck you. I dont blame those who left early. I'm so fed up with everyones bullshit, and i mean everyone. From family to friends I've had enough. People think i'm crazy for wanting to study abroad for college but no i'm not, i just need to leave all this shit behind. i gave people chances, i even took big risks but nothing ever worked out so screw it. Screw little boys who think they're the shit when really they're just lame fucks who claim edge because it's the cool thing now. Screw family members who are never there for you but come running when they need something from you. Screw ignorant assholes who like to make cancer jokes. Screw friends who are too attached to their boyfriends or girlfriends. Screw the music scene, everyone fucking sucks. Call me a coward for leaving this town but theres too much bullshit here. Most of all, fuck people who dont even realize how much you care for them. I was an idiot to care so fucking much but fuck you. Like i said, the few people I care about excluding my mom and sister are leaving tucson so i'm not about to stay in this hell. And to a certain someone: You make me so fucking sick. I use to think you were the most amazing person alive. I even thought at one point I loved you. Then i realized how fucking stupid I was and well go fuck yourself, you make my life a living hell.
Keep in mind this is my rant after the car accident today, after finding out my grandmother has been diagnosed with cancer and after finding out my aunt passed away tonight due to cancer.
Fuck you Tucson.
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