Some things that have happened, are happening, or will happen soon.

Nov 22, 2007 12:32

1) I spent last night finishing off my submission for 4Talent's Pilot scheme, which is about middle-class responses to terrorism. I filled that sucker with things to entice Channel 4 - contemporary issues, humour, controversy, satire. Little to no realism involved, and - let's face it - little to no plot either, but I am quietly positive about it. I would very much like a comedy-drama pilot on Channel 4, yes please.

2) I moved to Dulwich, did I mention that? Probably not. Anyway, I've been there about a month and a half now.

3) As part of sorting out my room, I bought a desk, which I manfully thought I could carry from the Argos in Victoria to East Dulwich (not all the way… I would also be using public transport). As it turned out, it was a very heavy desk, which has bruised me and left me weakened. It has been nearly a week now and my arms still ache. It was 25 kilos, which I now know is pretty damned heavy. If I were to buy another 25 kilos worth of desk, I would have it delivered, even paying slightly more to have it delivered on a Saturday. Lesson… LEARNED.

4) I purchased the GameCube that we spent so long playing in 2005 (The Year Of Unemployment) from Matthew, and have been enjoying watching my housemate and our temporary lodger playing through "Resident Evil 4", which is a bloody great game. Last night they were all like 'oh we're going to complete this tonight' and I was like 'oh are you' and they were like 'yes' and I was like 'you haven't even escaped Salazar's castle yet' and they were all 'yeah that's not going to be a problem' but then Ashley got taken to the island with Krause on it and I was like ROFL they was pwned.

5) Ahem.

6) Pegabovine are going to start podcasting as part of our many-pronged assault on 2008. Because of this, I've been digging out some old radio sketches that I did at university. I'm not sure "Jeff The Tango Goat" has any real merit beyond juvenalia, but "Charles Dickens's Theory Of Evolution" has something. Please don't steal that idea and do it better than me.

7) We're going to do a Christmas show as well. Will confirm details.

8) I'm doing some other gigs.
16th December - Faultless & Torrance's Xmas Xtravaganzera - Etcetera Theatre - with Faultless & Torrance (obviously)
14th January - I Don't Like Mondays - Project Orange, Clapham - with Terry Saunders, Chris Boyd (The French), Girl & Dean, Steve Mould, EXCITEMENT!

9) Because of this, I'm redesigning our website. That's not particularly interesting.

10) I really should have written a review of Michael Moore's "Sicko", which I saw at the weekend, but I'm not sure there's much I can say, except you must go and see it. I cried twice, once through patriotism. This is very rare for me. I'm not normally patriotic as these things have a habit of kicking your ass, but "Sicko" for a moment made me think that Britain was a shining beacon of altruism in the face of a darkening American monolith. It's quite nice to Canada as well. The American health system, however, is destructive and awful, disgustingly selfish, corrupt to the core, and a sterling example of why any incoming president has an enormous amount on their hands. The most shocking thing? Hillary Clinton taking money from the HMOs to buy her silence. Let's hope that she did that in the face of absolutely overwhelming pressure on her not to screw up her husband's job, and that if it becomes her job, she wouldn't feel that pressure. Fingers crossed on that one.

11) I think that's all.
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