Apr 27, 2006 14:26
Had my physio assesments this week. According to the PT, I've got a rotated vertabra and apparently I'm not allowed to dance until the inflmmation settles down. From the way she said it, it doesn't sound dire so I am hoping that in a week I'll be feeling better. So, does anyone know of any herbal remedies for inflammation? I want this gone!
On another note, I've noticed that a lot of people in my neighbourhood suddenly have full grown flowers in thier gardens. It feels really weird to me. Like I missed a whole section of Spring. Don't get me wrong - transplanting grown plants is a perfectly acceptable method of gardening, and gardens are lovely. Maybe it's that seeing full grown flowers with wilted and stressed leaves feels subtly wrong to me. Or maybe it's because it feels that rather than letting Spring happen naturally, it's been created by a trip to the gardening shop. Maybe it's just a carryover feeling from the odd not-quite-winter we had.