So Where Have I Been

Jan 09, 2012 20:36

Hey guys! Long time to speak or post. Some of you may have noticed that I disappeared somewhere around April. I had several things going on and I had no choice but to drop them for the time being. I didn't realize the time bring would be nearly nine months.

So here's the lowdown. You remember me telling you about a family member being taken into rehab, well it was my uncle. He was in very bad shape and near death. So the entire family came together to pay for rehab and help his family out financially while he was in there.

So my uncle goes to rehab and my thirteen-year-old cousin decides she all that and runs away from home. And she runs away in Juarez, Mexico. For those of you that don't know this, in that time Mexico was going through a very violent stretch, somewhat due to the cartels but mostly due to the federales (the equivalent of federal agents) since they are a corrupt bunch and were sent to put order and instead they kidnapped, murdered, raped, extorted and did so much more all over the country. But anyway, my niece ran away with a group of no good kids who were much older than she was. For months we looked for her, being close to the border and all, but there was no sign of her. Of course we all thought the worst, that she'd been kidnapped or sold by her so-called friends as a sex slave. She is very pretty and looks fifteen/sixteen. That was among the most realistic thing we imagined.

Finally, after about four months she contacted her mom. She was okay, meaning not dead or a sex slave, but she wouldn't tell her mom where she was. She hung up and we didn't hear from her for a while. She called again and this time my aunt was able to convince her to come home. By then we'd gotten a plan to send her to one of those homes where they deal with problem kids since we had no idea what else to do short of having her arrested. And yes, in Mexico you can do that. So she came, and we got some cops to escort her there with her mom.

Not even five minutes inside she tried to escape. We were freaked but they managed to catch her. Now we were all breathing a sigh of relief thinking that they might set her straight and she would be safe. Nope, wrong! About a month later, she escaped. We started searching for her again, this time with the help of the police but we couldn't find her. As you can imagine, we've been frantic and terrified about what was happening to her, or even if she was still in Juarez.

Finally, finally she came home a few weeks ago. Terrified and hungry and just plain exhausted. She's finally ready to get her head out of her ass and we're all breathing a sigh of relief because of it.

So now I'm back and I have so many apologies to make that I don't know where to begin. There's been a lot of other stuff happening as well but this is the most prominent in my life. Been sick, so depressed I don't know how I got out of bed most of the time. We had a family friend die recently and my uncle is back to his old habits.

I've been trying to get some inspiration to write, reading some fics and getting caught up on the net. I have my NCIS ficahon entry that I need to finish editing and posting. The same with my Family Haven Ficathon. Sigh, I've so behind on everything and I feel horrible about it all but everything has been such a cluster fuck. Sigh. Because of all this mess I may lose my scholarship and if I do I'll loose this semester.

Sigh, please send some positive vibes my way, I really need them.
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