Family Haven Ficathon

Feb 20, 2011 18:33

So I had this story I wanted to write. A nice lengthy SGA AU which I spent a whole month world building and even drew a map. It was going to be awesome except, except that I had school and homework and in my major, you work and do projects and the entire semester has to do with said final project. So I was like, damn, okay, put on shelf, write something shorter and then write the full length story in the month after the ficathon that I will give for people to write the prompts that were given. This being done for a) several other people had other ideas for their ficathon story and time got in the way, b) there were people who didn't sign up because they didn't know if they would have the time and c) because I think it's awesome that anyone can write the prompts given. So yeah, needed to come up with another story, and I did, but I hated it and it sucked and no, just no inspiration. So a week before the ficathon goes live, and need another story.

So I use another prompt, and start writing, write about 5,000 words, hated it, started over, another 5,000 words words, isn't working, got stuck and here I am. Finally have a fic, but the characterization feels off, and I've learned to trust my instincts and I'm sick and tired of writing that I'm not completely happy with and posting that just to meet a deadline, so no, not this time. I'm running it and I made huge changes and damn it, the person I'm writing for is a writing God and I refuse to post anything less than my current best. So, now I finally have my story, I'm fixing the characterization, and having fun doing it. Gonna have to use the extension for myself, which I'm not happy about but, oh well, stuff happens. I still have loads of homework, but I finally have a breakthrough! Now to figure out the ending, eep!
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