1. If you could have a super power, which one would you have? the power to control the element of water, with some cat-like reflexes and ninja abilities thrown in
2. What would be your supername? I am the Water Neko:P
3. Who would be your arch-nemesis and what would be their superpower? Leo Archon...he weilds the power of flame (bonus to those that know just *who* Leo Archon is)
4. Who would be your sidekick and would they have a superpower? I'm actually part of a superteam...Team Awesome.:P It consists of me,
Escafanatic421, my DA friend Talon, and his friend Ivy Cat. We're a team of super furries:p Esca is the six-tailed kitsune, Talon is the Southern Master otter, and Ivy Cat is a meercat...not sure what her powers are, though.
5. What would be your motto? "The laws of physics don't exist for those that don't know them."