
Oct 28, 2003 15:16

....H, I, J, K, L, M, N
I don't like the mood I'm in

Read more... )

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lovelyxbones October 28 2003, 16:11:00 UTC
Let me save you some time. Don't go to the English tutor...

"Satted" is not a word, but the past tense of "to sit" is "sat".

"I probably sat and waited for a good hour and a half."

~Miss Anne Thropic~


water_inmylungs October 28 2003, 17:36:54 UTC
man..its not for just english
its for the SATs
which are in like...forever


lovelyxbones October 29 2003, 08:31:20 UTC
Oh, joy. SAT's, exciting. I'm not even bullshitting you, I can't wait to take that.

Did you take the PSAT?

~Miss Anne Thropic~


water_inmylungs October 29 2003, 12:37:25 UTC
yea man it was so much fun .


water_inmylungs October 28 2003, 17:37:31 UTC
man..its not for just english
its for the SATs
which are in like...forever


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