Feb 28, 2006 09:35
I spoke too soon about warm weather. ^^; It's raining! Heh. And the forcast says it shall be this way for the whole week or so. .:shrug:. I don't mind. Rain is nice. *^_^* It gives me a chance to cuddle up in my nice warm blanket and sip some of my French Vanilla tea. Yummy! I watched something very interesting last night. On the remake of Sense and Sensibility I saw the actor who plays Snape in Harry Potter - I forgot his name, as Colonel Brandon. It was SO different for me since I've only ever seen him in Harry Potter as the mean mysterious character. I mean Colonel Brandon was romantic, and fell in love with Kate Winslet. I couldn't help but laugh every now and then when he gave her one of those long dramatic unrequitted love eye contact looks that seem to pop up in Kare Kano (His or Her Circumstances.) (I remember Qui was complaining about that when we watched it. XD Frickin' hilarious). Oh, and how he was romantically serious made me laugh even harder. -_-; I swear, I'm just too giggly for my own good. Ooohhh a "How Philippino Are You Survey"...nah, I don't think I'll take it, I'm hardly worth calling a Pinay. XD Ay Naku Pilipino baby! Adrienne, Carla, remember Pilipino Pinal Pantasy?! LMAOLMAO!!!!! Oh, speaking of which, that guy that you guys met, G is going to go to Fanime too! Now you can see him in all his DDR glory. Carla's thinking, "Oh my dear God...NO" He's going to be competeing in a DDR tournament that they're holding. *^_^* He took 3rd place at the one they held at the Metreon. W00T! Well, time move too damn slow. Let it be FANIME ALREADY!!! There's a limit to how long I can keep myself entertained with movies, books, music, anime, cleaning, Naruto scans, videogames, Zettai Kareshi scans, and cooking.
;_; Fanime...whimper Plus I wanna see all of you! I miss you SOOOOOO FRICKIN' MUCH! You all better go to Fanime!