Jan 17, 2009 03:07
just saw the biggie movie, which im not going to get into the production, which was pretty awful (it was all based as if it was happening today, not 10 years ago it was really obvious in the sets, the money they used, what accessories they carried)
but instead im going to take a moment to freak out like i always do when i think about people in my age group who have accomplished so much. that man had some really nice rhymes, and if you gave me 60 years i could never compose words like that, no matter how bored i was from being in jail.
i dont think i nature my talent, or i dont know if i even consider it a talent, because i make things that amuse myself and others, but i dont feel confident in putting things out into the world, things that will belong and live in the world. i feel a responsibility for the life of everything which i create and i worry about what happens to things once i allow them to have a life away from me (shows,selling...)
im really trying to do this year right.
i was talking to krystal about being only with people i care about, and i think its an important time to re evaluate my friendships as well.
also some dreams i dont think should be chased (my olympic ice skating dreams) and i think its important to know when things arent meant to be.
im excited to take african dance instead.