(no subject)

Aug 25, 2004 19:48

Yesterday i was really frustrated. I needed to write in this thing and it was "down" for the night. So to update...

wow yesterday was interesting. So my friend usually gives a ride in the mornings to school, she has a 6 seater buik and on the way to and from school its at its max compacity. Were a very stuborn group of kids and often get into discusions in the car. Last week we were driving over the tracks on balfour when a car tried to cut us off, as most of you know the left lane in the mornings is usually for the left turn lane because so many turn left and the right lane is the only one that goes straight. So everyone goes into the right lane then cuts everybody off in the left lane. So it would make sence to do the same right? well my friend didnt think so, but thats ok cause shes driving. So when people started cutting off she was getting really upset and she has kinda bad road rage and it was kind of one of those i told you so situations which probably didnt make things any better but what ever so as this expedition starts to edge into our lane my friend decided to floor it straight at the car. Smart idea huh. So were all freaking out and we get into a huge fight about whose fault it would be but my point wasnt whos fault but that wed have been in an accident. Anyways so the same thing happened yesterday but i was smart and this time kept my mouth shut, all i said was "haha thats funny you guys kinda switched sides on this argumetn from last week" and before i could finished they jumped down my thoat and tore me to peices and totally bitchign about gay shit. So rachel pipes up and says "lauren you could walk" and lauren says "i dont have shes my sister, i wish we didnt have to pick any one up we always get into figths and there no room, blah blah blah" #1 they dont have to pick us up we kindly pay them gas money, 5 bucks a week, which is way too much any way when we could catch the bus for 10 cents #2 lauren wouldnt have gone off if sum one had enough balls to say wat they were thinking to us instead of bitching at her sister and #3 we wouldnt get into arguments if we didnt have anything to fight over. So in the end we told them we wouldnt be needing any more rides, so were walking. Yesterday was a pretty shit day. But after school it kinda better cause we went and chilled at stevens with kevin and washed stevens truck lol.

Today was fun til i got home. We walked to school and made pretty good time. It was a minumum day so it was all good. I basically got a free day in all my classes. After school me and rach went over to ryans house. We bought 3 pizzas and met kyle, derek, and mike at ryans and ate them. Pat jioned us a lil later. Then we brought out the GO Karts which was totally fun, he has two, a lil red one seater that goes slow and a double seater black one that goes hella fast. I didnt actually get to drive them cause we managed to break both of them in the spand of 10 minutes, lol, his grandpa wasnt too happy. Derek broke the red one by doing doughnuts and the wheel poped, it was soo funny but when he did that he also knocked off the break. And then kyle broke the black one by taking a turn too fast and went on 2 wheels and the chain fell off. But before they brok rach and ryan both drove me in the double seater. After that a bunch of other guys came over like, kyle, brett(with 2 T's), austin, jared, and 2 guys i didnt know. We just chilled and stuff til ryan had to go to work, then he gave us a ride home.

This is where my day kinda sucks. So on the way home i get a call from my dad asking where i was and i told him i was on my way home and why. And then he was like cause your mom needs to take your sis to the hospital and i was like aww man not again, y? So i get home and my question was answered. So as it says in my previous entries my sister was sick 2 weeks ago well she never really got over it shes been feeling bad all week but it got really bad last night and she started puking. Well my mom took her to the doctors today and they said that she was dehydrated and needed to go to the hospital. So my mom got home and went to get sum stuff inside just in case she needs to stay the night so she goes inside and askes me to bring char out sum water and sit with her. So i go out and my sister looks sooo sick, shes all pale and yellow and her lips are chapped and yellow and she couldnt open her mouth or talk or anythign and her mouth was all yellow. Well i just found out from my mom that she doing better but they want to keep her over night and it could be one of 3 things right now. She could just have the flu and just be dehydrated, have a urinary infection, or have pnemonia(sp) isnt that awsome news. NOT. So once again my poor lil sis is in the hospital with out me. : /
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