Aug 16, 2004 16:22

Its my day off from everything today and im way bored. Janel went to sum baseball game katie has to work and Rachel is god knows where with steven. saddness. So im gunna fill out this survey thing that you guys can copy and paste in your LJ.

For starters
Smoke?:: no
Do drugs?:: no
Have a partner?:: no
Have sex?:: not yet
Sleep with stuffed animals?:: yes, hes a bright orange bear :)
Live in the moment?:: of course
Think you'll get married?:: i hope so
Have a dream that keeps coming back?:: i used to, sarah had the same one
Play an instrument?:: no, id like to though but im not talented enough
Believe there is life on other planets?:: not really sure about that one
Remember your first love?:: do we really know wat love is at this age, i might have been close to it
Still love him/her?:: loves a strong word
Read the newpaper?:: when i have to for hw
Have gay/lesbian friends?:: yes
Believe in miracles?:: yes
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?:: definitely
Consider yourself tolerant of others?:: haha umm depends
Like the taste of alcohol?:: yea i do
Fave candy?:: twizlers
Believe in astrology?:: no its just fun
Believe in magic?:: idk
Believe in God?:: yes
Pray?:: yes
Go to church?: yes
Moving on:
Have any secrets?:: many
Any pets?:: 4 cats 1 dog and 1 rabbit
College?:: deffinitly going to a JC after highschool
Major?:: no idea
Talk to strangers who IM you?:: not any more
Wear hats?:: i look horrid in hats
Hate yourself?:: alot of the time
Wish you were someone else?:: somtimes
Have an obsession?:: not really
Collect anything?:: not any more
Have a best friend?:: id like to think so
Wish on stars?:: all the time
Like your handwriting?:: no i hate it
Any bad habits?:: of course
Care about looks?:: mine, yes others, not too bothered
Believe in witches?:: no
Satan?:: yes
Ghosts?:: yes
Trust others easily?:: no i dont trust many people
Like noise? Music?:: yea i like music
First thing you think of:
I see:: twinkies
I need:: love
I find:: faith
I want:: someone
I wish:: for you
I love:: friends
I hate:: anthony
I miss:: camp
I fear:: being alone
I hear:: nothing
I smell:: home
I crave:: food
I search:: for answers
I wonder:: why
I regret:: alot of things
I cried:: last night
Last time you.:
Bought something:: last week sum time
Danced:: yesterday
Were sarcastic: today probably
Kissed someone:: last weekend
Talked to an Ex:: last night
Had a nightmare:: awhile ago
Last book you read:: wish you well
Last movie you saw:: perfect score
Last song you heard:: confessions part2
Last thing you had to drink:: coke
Feeling this moment:: bored

Band:: no diea
Show:: degrassi
Movie:: super troopers
Song:: everytime

Yea im still bored, but ryan just called so i think im gunna find out wats going on then go chill with him. Still waiting on rachels call but what ever. O my sis is fine for all those that were wondering. Shes still not feeling too hot but they dont think she has apendicitus but my moms not too sure so there gunna keep her home til she feels better. This week is gunna be a breeze i think.I have water slides on wednesday and hopefully mark can come up this week sum time cause im missin him tons. I have work tomorrow.....great....cant wait....i hate work. Id quit if i could find another job cause im not about ready to get bitched at agin. I need the money thoguh.
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