Lion King and stuff

Oct 08, 2007 08:05

We went last Friday evening to see Lion King. We bought the tickets six months ago. It was the broadway production on tour. I was really impressed with the props of the animals, the way the actors were the animals but yet behind the animals. In one scene the one playing the bird got separated from his bird and was left on stage saying oh dear where is my bird. There was additional music in the production other than the songs in the movie, and there were a few places where more than one text was being sung at the same time, that I couldn't understand anything. I don't know if that was my APD getting in my way, or the accustics of the theater.

On the way out of the theater, I saw a sign advertizing headphones for rent that would amplify the sounds on stage. I thought, well now I find you. Maybe next time. I heard that Celtic Woman will be performing one night only on Valentine's Day, here next February. I need to check that out. I hope they aren't performing in the same theater as Lion King.

We are currently redecorating our dining room. It had a fancy chair rail, with paneling from that point to the floor, and we have tried painting it contrasting white, and the same color as the wall above it, and we finally decided we couldn't make it look like we want it, so I just started pulling it off the walls. Fortunately for us, the installers didn't glue the panaling on when they intalled it, but we did have to do a lot of spacking to fill holes left by all the nails, and places where the top layer of sheet rock pealed off. Prior to attacking this, my wife decided that she was tired of the mirror tiles that were on one wall. They were the gold leaf kind of 12" by 12" mirror tiles that were popular in the 1970's but qualify a house to earn the label of "dated" when they are found in one now. There were 100 tiles to be removed, and I managed to remove all but three without breaking them. Of course there was a lot of spacking required for the places where the top layer of sheet rock pulled off because the mirror tiles were glued on. I put primer on the walls Thursday evening, but ran out before I could finish it all.

I discovered something new Thursday evening, new to me. The name of the texture that is put on the walls is called crow's foot pattern. Our dinning room has that on the wall above where the paneling was, but is now either bare sheet rock and spackling, or primed wall. I get to apply crow's foot texture tonight. They say you take spackling, and add water to make it kind of creamy, take a special roller and roll the creamy spackling onto a portion of the wall, then take this special flat brush and use it to form this pattern into the creamy spackling, then let it dry overnight. Then tomorrow I will get to paint the dinning room. Doesn't this sound like fun?

As usual there is this minor conflict going on, on the side, where I want to take my time and do it right, and my wife just want's it done. Work in progress that doesn't seem to be progressing quickly makes her nervous. I bet it's a J thingy.
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