May 31, 2005 22:41
Hey everyone. Just got back from vacation today. Sandbridge beach for a week! It was fun, even though I hate the beach. Mainly since I do not like large groups of people, and since it was Memorial Day weekend, the beach was ridiculously crowded. But yea, I am nice and tan now, and that is about it. All we really did was wake up, go to the beach and hang out. And "we" means my family. We went to the strip at Virginia Beach, but due to the holiday it was just thousands of drunk adults and young adults stumbling about. So yea, that was boring. And the whole week was hampered by allergies for me. Still don't know what I have allergies to, but it is annoying. Anyways, time for a random paragraph about how annoying the world has become.
So, I am talking to a friend of mine who is going to be at a party this weekend. It is at their house, but not hosted by them, so they will be there unless they do one of the following. Since underage drinking will be occuring, they could call the cops. Or they could tell their mother since she is leaving for the weekend which is why the party is happening. They could leave and go to a friends house, or convinve their sibling who is hosting the party not to. They want to be there to make sure everyone is okay, but they also want to drink since it is rebellious, which means it is fun. They are saved, but want to do everything they shouldnt now, while in high school, since they won't do it in college. They want to do everything they can to throw Jesus' salvation into his face as an insult, and say "Thanks for dying for me, I don't care." Drinking, smoking, drugs, sex, everything possible. They want to sin as much as they can since they won't when they go to college.
What will stop them in college? When these things become a habit, what is going to make them stop in college? The only for them to stop is to 1)decide for themselves with Jesus' help to not do them, or 2) just not do any of it in the first place. Why do teenagers feel compelled to try all these things? Because the wonderful world, and when I say world I mean society, tells them to. I have watched many of my friends fall prey to the "cool" stuff that the world says is cool. I have lost my best friend because he has been blinded by sin. He thinks that what he does is okay, and because I voice an opposition to his beliefs, I am not cool. Because I speak the Word of God, the Bible, I am not cool enough to be his best friend anymore.
See, saved people who sin on purpose hate me because they can't oppose what I say. Why? Because it is all from the Bible. It is not like I make up what I say. I read it in the Bible and use it as an argument. And then all the pseudochristians get flustered when I reveal their life to them through the teachings of the God's Word. I am so sorry that I used the Bible, the basis of your supposed belief, to point out what you are doing wrong.
Am I perfect? NO. But I do not sin willfully over and over again in the same area. Did I? YES. But I realized that if I were to continue doing what I did I would not find what God has for me. Teens these days miss out on what God has for them because they get caught up in the world. And the world is good at causing young Christians to stumble. Why? Because God gave Satan dominion over the world when the Fall of Man happened. Everything that we see in movies, hear in music, or watch on TV (minus the stuff that is obviously pure and righteous) is more or less run by Satan. If something is not glorifying God, it can only glorify Satan. And people fail to realize this. Which is why the future generation that is currently in college and high school needs prayer. So many kids have fallen into what the world wants from them and not what God wants from them.
So yea, I know some of that is repetitive, but that is only because I have a hard time writing exactly what I want to. My brain processing onto paper skills are not too good. So if you really want to know what I am thinking, call me. We can meet and talk if you disagree with me, or if you like what you see and want to have a nice conversation about God and what we as Christians believe.