Quotes Meme

Oct 03, 2011 14:33

QUOTES MEME: Choose five quotes that suit your character from here

Act as if it were impossible to fail.
--Dorothea Brande

I felt despair. Though it seems to me now there's two kinds of it: the sort that causes a person to surrender and then the sort I had which made me take risks and make plans.
--Erica Eisdorfer, The Wet Nurse's Tale, 2009

A man can do all things if he but wills them.
--Leon Battista Alberti (1404 - 1472)

When you appeal to force, there's one thing you must never do - lose.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890 - 1969)

I don't have an English accent because this is what English sounds like when spoken properly.
--James Carr, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno


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