“Watchmen” Creator on Armageddon

Apr 19, 2009 17:29

Originally published at Watchmen News. You can comment here or there.

By Duane Dudek of the Journal Sentinel
From www.jsonline.com:
Everyone is everywhere all the time.

If I can find their e-mail address, or that of their publicist, I can reach out to a writer, filmmaker, whatever and whoever, and get a reply, as long as it’s not, you know, Brad Pitt.

So when my search for experts for my Doomsday story, which appears in Sunday’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, turned up the opportunity to talk to Dave Gibbons, illustrator of the original “Watchmen” graphic novel upon which the movie is based, I jumped at it.

The art in the book is remarkable, and the film’s director Zack Snyder, seemed to almost literally rely on Gibbon’s original illustrations, perhaps to the detriment of the film.

But in a reply to my query -  via a 15 minute audio file during which he responded conversationally to the questions I sent him by e-mail -  Gibbons talked about why his collaborator Alan Moore refused to be associated with the film, how he was pleased with Snyder’s effort, and answered my general questions about the images of nuclear devastation as portrayed in ”Watchmen,” which was created and which was set in the 1980s

Gibbons, incidentally, has just released a richly illustrated coffee table book “Watching the Watchmen,” which details the making of the original novel, and which includes early drafts of the work.

Here are some of his comments:

Growing up during the Cold War:

“It was a time of great fear. I remember … there was a very real sense that everything might finish tomorrow. There was a documentary show show on TV here (England) called ‘Threads,’ which was a really graphic and disturbing account of what could happen if there was a limited nuclear strike. How with one good sized bomb on London life as we knew it could have ground to a halt. So it was a very real and very palpable. I think that fears still there, But I think there’s less anxiety about it now than in the 1980’s.”

His Cold War memories:

“We used to have absurd civil defense warnings like ‘paint the windows white’ and ‘get under the stairs and hold up a mattress.’ Like those stupid duck and cover movies you got in the states. It was farcical really. It obviously influenced ’Watchmen, Icant tell you how explicity but its probably obvious anyone reading it now that it was done in a rather periolous state of mind.”

Favorite film or literature portraying doomsday:

“I suppose ‘On the Beach,’  the Nevil Shute novel. ‘I Am Legend,’ the original story (by Richard Matheson). There was program here called ‘Survivors,’ in which mankind was wiped out by a virus. That was very haunting. Empty streets, buildings, fortified supermarkets, petrol pirates. Not a nuclear armageddom. But a human armageddon.”

Why some people are Invested in doomsday cults and conspiracies:

“Most people need soemthing to believe in. I tend to be a skeptic. I think this stuff is nonsense frankly. I personally believe in the cock-up theory of history rather than the conspiracy theory of history. I don’t think that any of these conspriacies actually could survive. I don’t think people are smart enough to pull off such incredible far reaching webs of secrecy.”

How he liked the “Watchmen” film:

“I really liked the movie. I think it’s a very valid attempt at translating the gprhic novel to film. Everyone invovlved gave it their very best. And I think by and large it’s successful. I had a great time. I was treated with great respect and kindness. I gave them notes on an early version of the script and after an early screning of the movie. I did some storyboard pages for Zack Snyder, in the form of pages of the graphic novel that didnt exist but depicted in the same style some episodes in the movie that weren’t in the graphic . Which I think shows you how much Zack wanted to get it close to how Alan and I visualized it..

Why Alan Moore wasn’t involved in the making of the film:

“Alan has had a pretty poor experience with Hollywood. He hasn’t been treated very well. Versions of his books that have been made into film were not that good. (Note: The films ‘V For Vendetta’ and “The League of Extraoardinary Gentlemen’ were based on Moore’s novels.)  And he made the point before ‘Watchmen,’ that he didnt want anything more to do with Hollywood. To most people that means ‘don’t phone me up but if it makes any money I’ll take it. If it does well I’ll have the credit.’ But Alan is made of sterner stuff. He wanted a legal document that he didn’t want his name attached to the movie and he wouldn’t get any income directly from it. That’s his position and I respect him for that. And he respects my position which is not the same as his. I’ve had a good experience with Hollywood. Alan and I remain friends and other than never wanting me to talk to about ‘Watchmen 2′ things continue as before.


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