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From www.nextgenplayer.com:
Full disclosure: I love old-school beat’em up games. I grew up with an unhealthy addiction to Double Dragon, Final Fight, TMNT and Ninja Gaiden. These games and their ilk ruled the arcades in the ’80s and ’90s. With the arcade scene near extinction today, it would appear the beat’em genre is also on its last legs. Having mutated its DNA to thrive in other specialty genres like the hack n’ slash action-adventure, the classic formula of walking through alleyways and elbowing endless mobs of thugs in the face has all but disappeared from the gaming zeitgeist.
This is why I’m all the more thankful for the arrival of Watchmen: The End is Nigh (W: TEIN) to the Xbox Live Arcade catalog. In time-honoured tradition, developer Deadline Games was tasked with rushing out a game to tie-in with a major motion picture release. As if that wasn’t a tall enough order, they had the unenviable challenge of cramming some very heavy, intricate source material into a simplistic and creaky gaming genre. In short, the first video game ever made of the most influential graphic novel of all time is a straight up mindless brawler.
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