Oct 26, 2003 20:29
well.. I havent written in a while so ill try to remember what ive done! well last weekend..
ash came over after school and there was absolutley NOTHING to do friday night so we went to del taco.. ate.crossed the picket line just to be assholes.then we came to my house and did more of nothing.fun stuff,huh ?so i stayed the night at her casa and did nothing..lol
I purty much sat around all day.saturday night was pretty fun.. josh called and we went to go see overran play at ICE TOWN.hehe its so much fun to play on the ice without skates..unless your fuck face friends try to knock you down.lol so much fun though..sky went with us too,i missed her.:] Hmm... overran did purty good..joe kept getting on the mic.and screaming WE HATE HOCKEY til finally a guy came over and got all butt hurt.haha then some lady complained and said the music was too loud..ha.then we left the ice town place and tried to find something to do..i wanted a frosty from wendy's so we went there first since..i AM the boss.haha then we went to joshs..they messed around on his guitar and stuff then josh went to the gas station..being the only one old enough to buy alcohol for everyone.. haha and bought sum stuff then we went to dusty's..uhm...went to the gas station b/c everyone was waiting for josh to buy the alcohol since hes the only one old enough.haha ewww there was a dirty ass uhm...tampon?at the gas station..i swear it was as big as a diaper.hahaha SO SICK. so yeah then everyones like "okay go to the gas station by dennys" I KNEW THEY SAID DENNYS!! stupid ass josh is like "no they said by dannys" so we go all the way down to like 7-11...haha hes so slowww!! but it was a fun ride..so then we get there and find out that theres really nothing to do..good for josh:he has everyones alcohol and/or money and they all left...so sad.haha hmm then brian thinks e knows where a party is so we go..NO PARTY.lol but all in all it was a fun night.. I miss all those guys! lol
i dont remember what I did this day but sunday night I went the last night of the farmers fair [now called the so cal fair]...or sumthin like that! and it was the night of the DEMOLITION DERBY!! so much fun!! I was betting on this black and white car.. the # was 11X cuz there was already an 11.lol but my car didnt win in the end :( so sad.. it got 3rd though!! lol uhm... i dont even know what i did all week....heh oh yeah sometime in that week this chick susan went all eggroll on me online.that was pretty dumb.i just sorda laughed about the whole thing..haha i dont think she knew what she was talking about ? haha oh well!
we went to valley view's homecoming game..that was fun..i got to see old faces! lol VALLEY VIEW WON! lol some guy had a seisure [is that how u spell it ?] on the field..it was really weird...fuckin canyon guys were all kicking him..purty pathetic,huh ? yeah...SKY WON HOMECOMING PRINCESS! yay go sky!! lol asshole bobby was no where in site.oh well..that dumb fuck doesnt deserve sky anyway! lol yeah so CONGRATS TO SKY! lol then saturday night when i got home stayed up sorda late talking to *steve* online.lol we talked about a bunch of stuff...it was pretty cool..til about an hour later when my dad got up at 2 and told me to get off.lol
I dont think i did anything ?lol im such a lazy ass...but I did watch some movies.I watched white oleander...such a good fucking movie! man o man... everyone should watch it.lol i duno i just like it alot..eh.. then i watched panic room...ive seen it a few times and even though I know what happens..its still so scary to me.haha i watched enough that day too..i like that movie too.lol
today we went to the beach...it was like....nice ass weather today.. i had so much fun..man oh man..lol we went on the pier ad stuff and just kinda ran around and stuff..my new favorite ride is the tilt a whirl.haha they have one like under the pier..i always forget how much i like em until i get on one.wowzers! then we played carnival games and all that good stuff... then here I am tonight...just talking online and all that good shit! uhmmm i was reading susan's journal.haha funny stuff..and uhm...other than this WORLDS LONGEST ENTRY.. not much else is goin on.
theres so many fires!!!!! OMG and my love dave was in danger! so sad...he said they almost had to evacuate last night :\ i felt so sad..but hes okay now! I think im gonna get goin now...theres really nothing else to talk about.school tomorrow..I wish my school was the thing burning.that would be FUCKING AWESOME!! but no...of course not.//RAWR//i need my pictures from my party back!! grr....
Im sick of people copying me.really..be original.RAWR