Nov 25, 2007 22:25

As mentioned in the app, Matoi's most defining trait is her ability to fall head over heels in love with people and stalk them obsessively all the time, regardless of them dating her or not. ... That is, until someone shinier catches her attention.

But during the stalking period, she's likely to do anything from dressing as them/adopting their personality, following them around, and staring profusely, to... well, getting duplicate keys of their apartment in order to sneak in during the night.

Yes, she's gotten restraining orders before.

So, now that you know this, it's time for me to ask: ARE YOU OKAY WITH BEING STALKED EVEN INTO THE BATHROOM? This means that for a limited time, there will be a little schoolgirl popping up in every other thread you have. Of course, if she falls for your character, I'll let you know so that you can tell me whether you want her in a certain thread or not and all that stuff! IT'S ALL UP TO YOU.

Also, even though she only seems to be interested in men, I wouldn't put it past her to be Gay For certain people and/or fall for Traps; so feel free to comment regardless of who you play! 8D

permissions, camp stuff

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