Title: Dying is Easy, Comedy is Hard.
Characters: Mainly 63!Veidt and The Comedian.
Rating: NC-17 for skeevy violence. Gen.
Word count: 3705
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Alan Moore.
Summary: Adrienne Veidt Vs. Edward Morgan Blake.
Many thanks to
runriggers for the beta.
Nice girls don't follow strange men into alleyways at 2 AM in the morning, and the Comedian is a very strange man.)
Title: And Sure in Language Strange She Said...
Characters: Rorschach/63!Veidt
Rating: R, het, porn. I think this qualifies as dubcon considering Rorschach's issues with sex, but YMMV.
Word count: 1764
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Alan Moore.
Summary: Rorschach goes to tell Veidt about the Comedian. It does not go well for him.
One entire wall of the office is occupied by a glass cabinet full of dolls: a legion of plastic Adi Veidts, all dressed differently (explorer, fashion model, actress, athlete, etc.), all with the same smile.)