OOM: Lakeside

May 23, 2007 00:01

Veronica pushes ahead, and leads the way out onto the bar's sloping back lawn. Above, the sky's a dark purple shading to black - below, colours are becoming irrelevant as night vision slowly takes over.

The grass crunches beneath Veronica's sneakers as she makes for the lake, doing her best to keep her pace from quickening, to keep Logan from becoming suspicious of her true intentions. To this end she fixes her eyes on some spot on the distant shore, as though perhaps she's watching the trees for the sign of some nighttime predator, or simply preparing for the long wait until sunrise. With luck this gives her the appearance of being serious, but distracted, an appropriate air for someone who's about to have a Serious Relationship Discussion with her just-recently-ex-boyfriend.

Her bag swings back and forth and slaps her lightly in the side with each step, making her acutely aware of the added weight.

When they reach the lake - a slightly secluded area of it, far enough from the lights of the bar - Veronica stops, and waits for a moment before turning to face Logan, noting somewhere in the back of her distracted mind how different the lake air smells from the ocean she's used to.

Finally, she clears her throat. "So."

logan echolls, behrooz araz, indiana jones, plot: veronica is evil, rachel grey, oom

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