[OOC: Summary of the Finale!plot]

Oct 01, 2006 22:44

An introduction.

Part one.
The trial. Veronica's reaction. Logan's reaction. Afterwards, Aaron gets a call from his daughter.

Part two.
Lilly and Duncan discuss the verdict, and what should be done about it. And meanwhile, The Neptune High class of 2006 graduates.

Part three.
Back at home, Veronica receives a phone call from her father. It's good news, but there's a bit more to be done before the case is wrapped up. So, on a hunch, she tries one last thing. And realizes that she was very wrong about something.

Part four.
Already the post-graduation party is under way. With lots of fun and drama, as befitting a Neptune party.

Part five.
Mac and Cassidy head up to their hotel room, but things don't go... well. Afterwards, Cassidy makes his way up to the roof, where he meets Veronica, and eventually Logan. The shit hits the fan, as they say. Afterwards, they go to check on Mac. Mac, who is not really looking to cope with things just yet, returns to Milliways.

Part six.
Logan takes Veronica home, and gets some bad (?) news of his own. During the night, Veronica dreams, and in the morning things are a little btter.

plot: finaleplot, plot summary

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