Oct 05, 2004 19:12
hey :)
well things are okay
it was rainy today i was outside all day after school too! :0
well yesterday dylan kinda blew me off en i felt bad
en i kinda like his buddy kyle
so i hung out with kyle all day yesterday en he ended up asking me out
so i said yeah cuz i like him en all that
so things were good
but then i saw dylan this morning and i wanted to be the person to tell him i was going out with kyle not anybody else
so i told him en then he got mad because its one of his best buds
now dylan en the gang are unhappy with kyle
i hung out with kyle, nick, and sam for most the day shiloh ditched us en went home
en it was all good
then we left our stuff at the park en kyle went home for a sec en sam went to his moms work to get a drink
so nick en i were abandoned together
so we walked back in forth across the street en stopped traffic
then we went ninja hunting after we ran into the karate place
then we went into a laudermat and stole a bright pink card that says "Eager beaver stump grinder" hahaha its excellant oh en we acted like everybody was aliens so nick kept screaming for me to act normal hehehe
then we stalked people on the streets and asked if they were aliens, ninjas, or robots
then we would scream en run
it was great fun
then we got back to the skatepark en my shit was spread all over en dylan en jeff (who did it) stole my $2 (fuckers!)
i was kinda mad but hey its only $2 so w/e
then dylan wanted to talk to me en he wants me to break up with kyle because we still kinda like each other but thats not how it works i like kyle so im gonna stay with him... he treats me good (doesnt steal my $2) en i really like him
he reminds me a lot of my buddy jonny whom i miss a lot
but yeah....
dylan en jeff r at shilohs en i gotta go there
well i miss you all en hope life is great for you
oh and jamie sorry id didnt write you back yet... im a friggen lazy person but i swear i will some time this week if im ever home because i live with shiloh now... until my house is built
well i love you all
<3 em