Feb 12, 2011 11:40
[Everyone is having fun! Or, well, most people. Lithuania should be having fun, after all he is a pretty merman with a pretty tail and his eyes look pretty under water and he's 200% the pretty merman fiance that won't get the merprincess because she'll marry some human bah
Lithuania has other things that he has to think about. This is the nation that was desribed as being more serious than Germany, after all. Which in this case means that he is looking for a way to keep his and Poland's armor and swords as dry as possible. Letters and books and such cannot be helped, but things that rot and corrode slowly can still be helped... Even though the salty air will not be much better.
The video comes on to show Lithuania on a rock, maybe half a metre above the water. A lot of metal and some pieces of wood and clothing have been laid out around him to dry in the sun. He just hopes that it is high tide right now, so if the water changes, it will sink and not rise.]
Does anyone have any waterproof wrappings or boxes?