RPG: Adam->Joe

Nov 24, 2006 16:48

To: Joe
From: Adam
Subject: RE. What's it to you?

>Hardly a company jolly, you old fraud.

Says you. How much exactly did you lose at poker this time around?

>So we have a staff shortage and we're stretched a little thin - what else is new?

Your assignment taking up with an unknown Immortal. Right charlie you would look if you came back to find him a head shorter and posthumously wiser.

>Not to mention the trouble with the pipes.

I believe they now produce little blue pills for that type of trouble. Is that why you have been so grumpy lately? I do know a lovely young lady I could introduce you to if you thought it would help and your 'piping' was up to it, and if not, I'm sure she can be very creative.

>Heaven forbid the beer should be flat!

Well I need something to sustain me while Duncan sticks his neck out again. It would be disrespectful to drink to the child's memory with flat beer.

>There are more important things going on than the state of the bar's beer!

Like who is Duncan's latest limpet? And what does she want? So glad you noticed.

>I have got a stack of reading to do, and the last thing I need is you quoting Seneca at me. Unless there's something you want to tell me about you and him?

He was a boring fart. I think one of the worst punishments I ever had was being forced to listen to him speak.

>Oh, yes, while I remember. She is Rosetta Meidani.

Humm... don't think I have heard of her. Will check my notes and get back to you.

>She's only been around for a couple of decades,

As far as you know.

>and nothing much is known about her. Yet.

That fills me with such reassurence.

>Anyhow, I brought you back half a dozen bottles of beer. Theakstons Old Peculiar - saw the label and thought of you. Can't think why.

You are forgiven. Mostly.

- Me

~~ dub-sar lu2-gu3-ra-ah nam-tag-ga-ni ab-gu-/ul\ ~~

( response to Joe)

rpg, highlander

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