Another post from Andrew's handwritten Private Journal.
And yes, I'm also trying to get in sync with other posts. *L*
My Dearest Journal,
OMG!!!! You would not believe what is going on. You just wouldn’t.
Of course, I wouldn’t have either, except for the little trip I took yesterday.
Xander had given me some receipts and things that needed to be approved by Giles and asked if I could run them by for his signature. Of course, he probably meant in the morning, but well, since sleep is something I’ve kind of been avoiding lately, I decided to run them by that evening. Well, also, since Giles has been in France it gave me a good excuse to see with my own eyes that he was back and everything was okay.
I rang the bell, waited and then the door opened… but not to Giles. The door was opened by Ethan Rayne!
I had never met him before, but I had seen pictures… and well, I must admit that I am quite a fan of his work. The things he did, in Sunnydale alone, were simply…. Simply… Wow….
He’s like Saruman… with a sense of humor.
It did surprise me though, that he was there and worried me a little, because I know that he and Giles have a past, so I did ask, rather forcefully (I hope) to see Giles and make sure he was alright… Which he was, of course.
I did ask what was going on and why Ethan was there, because if Xander found out that he was and I hadn’t, it would probably lead to quite a bit of unpleasantness, with me on the receiving end.
Giles hemmed and hawed a bit… and Ethan looked, for a moment, like he was going to turn me into something small and slimy. Which, in some strange part of me, I think would be an honor.
Then Giles explained that they had been working together on something significant and that the other Scoobies just wouldn’t understand. I could certainly relate to that… they don’t seem to understand a lot of things to do with magic, in part, I’m sure, because of the whole Willow-freak-out-trying-to-end-the-world thing. Something like that tends to put you off.
But at any rate I did assure them that their secret was safe with me and that mum was definitely the word. I’m not sure exactly how much my promise reassured them though because I got a very stern glance from Giles. One of those glances that reeked of how disappointed he would be if I didn’t hold myself to it.
I really do hate to disappoint Giles. He… well, he’s earned every bit of respect that everyone gives him. Enough said there.
Anyway… Giles signed Xander’s paperwork and I left. But let me tell you something, Journal, I think there is more there than what they have told me.
Just between you and me… I think Giles and Ethan are together.
I mean together, together… Like Armand and Albert together. It’s so… so… yeah, I’ll say it again… wow!
I mean there were such blatant clues… two glasses of whiskey on the coffee table, the snuggly throw on the couch, all rumpled as if Ethan had crawled out from under it to answer the door…the slippers that Ethan was wearing. I doubt he showed up to work with Giles and just happened to bring them along…
It’s really…well, kind of nice. The two of them seem to be, as Mags would say, suited. Giles needs someone and Ethan is very handsome in a Jeremy Irons kind of way.
And, I have to add, it’s really cool that I know about it and no one else does.