Dec 10, 2006 20:22
I re-watched the first two disks of the series and man I love it. I can re-watch the whole thing and not get bored. So once I get the cristmas money from dad I'm totally gonna fan girl and buy the hats ^^ those things are so cute! Yes, Ricci said cute, but it is so don't give me that look. I feel alot better, I learned not to eat vast amounts of junk food, it makes me sad. But on my journey to eat better I took a small detour yesterday and now I feel fat. NO TO JUNK FOOD BITCHES,and to sleeping with Aimsh whores but I didn't do that I swear. So this week I'm gonns be bored, I wish I could do something. But I'm looking forward to the 22nd or the 21st, Kelly wants to rake Katy and I,notice good grammer, to the mall. I'm saving up money so I can buy a coller ^^, even though mom will throw a hissy fit. They make me feel comferable and safe for some reason,I can blame dad for that stupid psycological devolpment. I really want one >< they are so..pretty. And when on ukes or semes they are double the sexy. Man, I'm hyper >< I WANT FRUIT BASKET FAN STUFF! WOOT! *evil laugh* I felt like doing that ^^