(no subject)

May 05, 2008 14:06

Thank you so much for all the Happy Birthday wishes, flist. *hugs* I know I've been absent lately (and I know that's an understatement), but I think about you guys all the time.

My birthday so far has been pretty average. I haven't even opened my cards and presents yet because I had to go to work this morning and I didn't want to make Brian wake up at 6am so I could open them, and I want to wait until he gets home from work tonight.

But I had a nice Birthday take-out dinner on Saturday night and my amazing friend, Sam, sent me a bunch of awesome gifts that I opened last week. lol She got me Jelly Beans (YUM!), The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide by Douglas Adams (because it's her bible), a journal, an oh-so-pretty Hanson notebook that she made for me from my favorite Hanson pictures, and a Hanson pendant that she also made herself and it's awesome and I love it.

Oh, and Hanson sent me a gift, too.

*freaks out*

Okay, so I don't know that it was intended as a Birthday gift at all, but it arrived today, so I'm gonna pretend it was intentional. lol

I almost freaked out when I looked at the address label on the big priority mail box and saw the words "Walker Hanson, 3CG Records" (for those who don't know, Walker is their dad).
But I managed to control myself until I'd left the apartment manager's office and was in the privacy of my car. Then I called Sam and flipped out.

Inside was a slip of paper that said "Thank you for donating your URL. We really appreciate the support. - Hanson" It wasn't hand written or anything, but I honestly don't give a crap. lol


They sent me:

- 1 Great Divide T-shirt (http://www.hanson.net/images/data/products/37_sm.jpg?1188934010)
- 1 Walk Tour Hoodie (http://www.hanson.net/images/data/products/250_sm.jpg?1195665659)
- 1 copy of Middle of Nowhere Acoustic (DVD/CD)
- 1 copy of Live & Electric (CD)
- 1 Travel Mug (http://www.hanson.net/images/data/products/116_sm.jpg?1188934010 it says "Hanson Highly Caffeinated Since 1992" lmao. ♥)
- 2 Large 'The Walk' Stickers
- 5 Sheets of the stickers they only give out to fans on the walks to put up all over town as a sign of where they've walked. *squees*
- 3 Take The Walk Bracelety things
- 1 Hanson Patch Collection (http://www.hanson.net/images/data/products/65_sm.jpg?1188934010)
- 1 Hanson Key Chain (http://www.hanson.net/images/data/products/89_sm.jpg?1188934010)
- 2 sets of Hanson Playing Cards (http://www.hanson.net/images/data/products/229_sm.jpg?1188934010 & http://www.hanson.net/images/data/products/228_sm.jpg?1188934010)

I am so in love with these guys right now, I can't even stand it. I don't even care if this didn't come from them "personally", if they had no say in it, nothing to do with it at all.

I. Don't. Care.

*loves everything*
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