(no subject)

Feb 22, 2008 00:21

I don't mean this. I just need to vent.


Get out your f-ing US map and take a long hard look. See those states north of California?! Yes, that's right, they still exist! So, if it's not too much trouble, would you please stop completely ignoring them?!

Seriously?! 40+ dates last year and almost 20 this spring and NOT ONE FUCKING SHOW IN WASHINGTON STATE?! Or even Oregon? Seriously?! Are you guys like... wanted for some kind of crime in these states or something? Is there some kind of shrub you're allergic to that can only be found in the Pacific Northwest?

I'm not kidding. According to the tour archive on their site, they haven't played a show in Seattle, WA or Portland, OR since 2003. Did we do something to offend?

*sigh* I am so damn crushed right now. I've been watching clips of their shows on youtube for months, just waiting for these new tour dates to come out because I was so sure there'd be a show I'd be able to go to. I haven't been to one of their shows in almost 10 years now! :(

I hope it's a mistake. Or that they're gonna add a bunch more dates soon.

But with Zac becoming a dad in May and their current dates only running up 'til May 7th...

Damn it.

(please excuse the PMSing)
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