Apr 15, 2007 09:44
Oh fuck. I just got back from the single greatest band trip I've ever taken. It seriously rivaled Disney. I mean...sweet Jesus.
Wedesday. Got there at like, 4 something in the morning. Way too early. But we hung at NASH and our incompitent bus driver made us stand in the cold for like, fucking ever while every other bus boarded their buses. I don't know why. Got on the bus, and we watched Pootie Tang, and me and Anna watched Arrested Development Season 3 on her DVD player..so that was key. We stopped at that rest stop across the street from that total Prostitute Motel. So great. The bus ride killed me because of my spring legs, and when we got to the hotel, there was a fire there, so we went straight to this dinner on a boat. Which was a blast. Derek in the Indian feater thing...because of his Indian hair and all. And that guy making me do the hand jive. So awkward. Eventually when we got to the hotel we had sweet balconies, with beautiful views, and a beach like, twenty feet away. So I knew the trip was looking up when Ang stood on the ground level, and everybody at their balcony did Yagi at like, 1030 at night. Then we all played on the beach 'til 1130ish. :D:D:D. I took a shower, and at midnight Jessica gave me my birthday present. 18 foot slip and slide. <3333 So good. We'll need to bust that shit out. But then me and Dilly slept in the loaf together...Oh--and Jeff broke his bed with his short, yet massively girthy legs.
Thursday. Best birthday ever. Colonial Williamsburg. Soooo fun. Those holes in the barrels..."you know what that's for!" Asking about addictive substance at the ipothacary. Taking creepy slash hilarious pictures of Mr B at lunch. Being scurvy dogs with knives in our mouths. That dude with the lazy eye. Ed buying the pipe. That creepy chair in the bathroom that we turned into an even creepier chair by making it peep at people why they pee'd. After Williamsburg, we went to Captain George's Seafood Buffet. Which was insane. Jeff stabbed me. I got so much lemonade. And most importantly--SHUT UP AND KISS ME. Camille bent this spoon so she could wear it like a bionic eye, but she's retarded, and couldn't get it to fit in her eye, btu I could. So I pretended to be robot Stefan. "Beep boop beep beep-i like poop jokes-Beep beep boop." "Beep boop boop-if you say genitals i giggle-beep beep beep bop." Ang getting in on the fun. UP TOP. Sumo Wrestling on the beach. Singing camp fire songs when Mr. Breaux came over. Those little kids that kept saying Matt O'Neill's mom was Michael Jackson, and his dad was Clay Aiken. Whatever that means. Seniors having free time--me, Cam, Ang, and Jess just wandering. Me getting boned by that giant fish. That hurt so fucking much. "It didn't hurt me, because I'm a big ho."-Camille. Channel 21...oh, Rubberella.
Friday. Competing. Not bad. We played awesomely. I almost had an asthma attack during Who's Who In Navy Blue. And I told Meg. "If you had an attack, what do I do? ...Do I scream?" Love that kid. I fell over walking a straight line to the stage. Mr B was like, "...Em, you okay to drive?" Ha. Drunk. At band. No wai! I played that game on Camille's phone all day, pretty much. "Hey! Grandma gave us twenty bucks!" Ha. What a dumb game. Going to that mall, where I thought that old lady was the Goncz. <3 And Sarah Steimer saying she really wanted a corn dog, but she really hated corn dogs. What the hell. And Tim punched Doug in the peter. OOOOh...that big hot dog! Then we toured a big boat. Then watched Jazz Band. Which kicked so much ass. And Camille accidentally bought all those pictures on her phone. Dinner at the air and space thing. Riding the elevator for like, twenty minutes. Humping the glass wall, and like, breaking my knee. Ray's mom trapping me on the elevator and the doors closing between me and Ang like in a movie. Terrible. Too funny. That night all my freshman took on Nate in the sand pit on the beach. Too good. <3 And Jess kept touching Ed Goncz. "I love touching Ed, because it makes him feel uncomfortable." Then I watched some weird Bill Cosby thing with Dilly. It was so fucked up. He kept talking about how Letterman was Dracula. And how Kleenex is like rubber gloves. What the fuck...
Saturday. Our room woke up late. We had to be ready at like, 645 or something...and we woke up at 635. Jess just sat up in bed and shouted, "OH SHIT." We were movin'. We made it on time, though. At marching band, Meg cried. [Note: Meg didn't really cry.] But yeah, she was out of control with tears. The dance team really had that "Just Raped" look to them. [Says Brett Maceikis.] And Ang turned supes retarded during a cheer..."I say NA you say--wait what am I doing?" So good. After, we headed to Busch Gardens. Which was so fucking kick ass. Hung with Anna, Nate, Jeremiah, Emily, and Ed for a while, but eventaully Jerry and Ed broke off, but we met up with Ang and Insane in the Tursane. Wrestling in Ireland for that dollar with Ang, only to have Anna take it from both of us. Riding Alpengeist with Baldanzi. <3 Shouting Harry Potter spells when I ran out of things to yell. "I was cryin' like a bitch!" All the pictures from the rides, I'm like, in tears. Ang, me, and Nate being late for the awards thing because we wanted to ride the Alpengeist one last time. And Ang telling my freshmen to be late for the awards, because, hey...you're freshmen.
Gosh--I feel like I'm forgetting something. Oh wait--I'm not. We motherfucking swept the tournament. Yeah.
"Is that an elephant?"
"Tarzan parts?"
Best. Band. Trip. Evar.