Apr 18, 2010 02:06
this evening i tagged along with my friends to KLCC... oh boy, have i not seen more geeks gathering at the same before (no offense). the Convention Center was packed with people at the PC Fair, and the guys i came with (sadly these are the people i hang out with everyday) were there for a concert called Video Games Live!!. you can imagine for yourselves.
i can say i go to Kinokuniya more often than the guy next door, but this was the first time i've seen the shelves at the mouth of the Japanese section crowded with people. mind you these are the shelves that hold artbooks from famous games and anime like Gundam (duh), some other new anime that i've never heard of, yadda yadda, Gurren Lagann, blah blah blah, you get my drift (though i caught a glimpse of a new addition that couldn't have made things more apparent: Otacool). Then my friends went over and said hi to the very same people who were blocking our entrance to the earthly paradise. wow, my day is getting more interesting.
after getting our books (me: japanese language reference books, friends: anime artbooks) we had dinner, then separated ways as the guys got in touch with their inner (sometimes not so) nerds and proceeded to the concert hall, while me and another friend went to watch a movie (which kicks ass, btw). the movie ended around the same time as the concert so we regrouped to go home, all the while passing people with light-up pendants hanging from their necks. But that wasn't all! On the way to the parking lot my friends started singing out of the blue, but only 2 or less words. Hahah talk about weird.
the funniest thing is that, when you attend a concert and you want an encore you go light up something like lighters and such, i think (if it was a Johnny concert the penlights maybe). in this concert, however, they opened up their PSPs and Nintendo DSes, and even laptops (those must be PC gamers). LOL.
(no offense if anyone reading this entry is engaged in the same kind of interests or in particular goes to these events mentioned above. my friends are a bunch of geeks and i am a fangirl, which is an otakuism of its own.)