mmm yah. no one comments. bitches! so tonight i feel like SHITTTT. more than usual, which is amazing. but hey oh well. i dislike school immensely right now. we have far too many projects due and not much time. its bothersome how each teacher decides to forget how we have work in other classes as well, and just gives us loads. they aren't considerate at all, minus McNabb, who occasionally gives us another day. ah i really feel like death. and look like death. it's
my pool has officially DIED. the snow caved it in : / boo.
i really like these.
Dannielle and I's night time quest for Sierra Mist!
Crazy long driveway.
I thought this looked like some kind of plastered jizz? SO
Dannielle was like "yah cool i'll eat it!"
We were able to retrieve the valuables and then returned on our mission home, but we nearly didn't make it. The trudge was long and weary. As you can observe.
Then I was like "yah carrots!" and ate them.
The End.