Well, here we are again! Not so much 'Weekly Round-Up' as 'Whenever Round-Up', but, never mind. Here's a run-down of Victor's activities since October-ish. For some reason, LiveJournal wouldn't let me go back any further than October 10th on my Friends List, so if there's anything further back than that which people think should be included, please let me know.
Anyway, recently, the feral has:
Bump In The Night 'Verse
congratulated Heidi becoming the UnSeelie Princess by indulging in some bedroom 'celebrations' [smuttysws]
mocked Sarah for getting stuck in cat form on Halloween -
fought Finvarra, the King of the Daoine Sidhe -
met Harry Dresden for the first time -
tried to persuade Jade to come to the Fae Realm with him -
argued with Elle, because she stole his bourbon... -
...as well as bluntly telling her to shove it -
sweet-talked Priscilla into coming with him to the UnSeelie Court -
faced off against Gabriel Van Helsing after killing several humans in the Mortal Realm -
confronted Dresden on All Hallow's Eve and fought him, leaving both of them injured... -
...meaning that Harry had to be rescued by Liz...-
...which resulted in Liz having a word with John Marcone... -
...as well as with Erik, speculating on what Victor is up to. -
attacked Erik, clawing open his chest before having to make a run for it... -
...and leaving him bleeding out, to be found by others Emma Frost 'Verse (...we need to name this one, Pum'kin.)
tried to prove that he's a better lover than Sebastian Shaw -
tried not to think too hard about out-living Emma... and perhaps making her a mother someday -
cuddled his 'diamond' Night of the Hunter 'Verse
turned up on Mads' doorstep, having been burned to a crisp by Daken -
became annoyed by Angel when she claimed to understand his relationship with Mads -
had his birthday grouchiness soothed away by a certain were-leopard -
decided to keep lube in every room... just in case [smuttysws]
was visited by Morgan, who was taking a leave of absence -
tried to get Mads to eat something with the aid of his bare chest and a tub of ice cream
- got irritated by Morgan. AGAIN. [smuttysws]
was mocked mercilessly by Daken, who now knows the truth about Victor and Mads, and ended up fighting him again Owned 'Verse
encountered Jeannette in a Russian Gulag Pussy Cat 'Verse
went for a drink with Phoenix Kaelen Other Stuff
celebrated his birthday by getting a couple of hookers with Logan -
agreed with Logan about healing factors being a bitch sometimes -
told X-23 to smile -
spoke with Logan about regrets, the past, and being weak -
wondered if you wanted to date a cougar, too [smuttysws]
got mightily confused by Janie Malcolm -
bumped into Loki at a bar -
watched Sooraya Qadir dancing -
had a run-in with Bucky Barnes ((My lil' bro also made me a shiny new OOC icon. Mwahahaha! >:P))