(no subject)

Apr 14, 2004 13:20

Name: Konrad the crab

Age: 72 or 27 or maybe 127 and ten again 271 and still 721

Location: afganistan i live wit u

Grade: i hav 2

10 Bands:
+tragectly hip
+paris hittler
+brit awards 2001
+the pools
+the expelled
+sex pistols
+iron maiden
(A band you enjoy, but are ashamed to admit liking)
+the cure

5 Books:
*i read
*i dont read
*i lik arthur read
*i kiss ur ass for u
(Favorite Childrens Book)
*a to z wit edger allen poo

8 Movies:
~i watch
~save the last doom
~gaz bar blues
~from justin to kelly
(Favorite Cartoon Movies)
~sponge dog skare butt
~arthurs perfec cripsmas

You're stranded on a deserted island. What 3 things would you want to have with you?
-Food/Shelter/Cell Phone don't count.- : my ass my mom my ass because its cool


Eating Dissorders-i hav
Politics- they kill my dad at baghdad
Standarized Highschool Tests-wat?
Straight Edge (sXe)-im dat probubly

What's the weirdest dream you've had?: i sleep

What would you normally be seen wearing?: i were young teen clothes and u

Why do you think you should be accepted?: because i were thong to thong thong to thong thong thongs and hallowed be thy name isnt from cradle its form, iron maden

If you could be any singer from the 80's, who would you be and why?: bruce lee? or bruce springsteen or bruce willis or bruce dickandson

Relationship Status? If taken, tell us the sweetest story your boy/girlfriend has done for you. If single and have an ex, tell us a horrific ex story. Make us want to kill the bitch/bastard...:D: i were you i have boyfriend in texas chainsaw massacre

What do you want to be when you get older?: i am older

What do you think is your most annoying habbit?: i eat my tow nails

You can be anyone for exactly 24 hours (living or dead). Who would you be and why?: elvis because 24 hour is enouf to kill him

Picture, please? *puppy dog eyes*: i hav no camra i hav no picature too expensive here 40897589$
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