Jan 26, 2005 21:43
i officially hate school.
too much pressure.
too much worrying.
too much stress.
all i can do is do my best this semester.
now i just have to tell my parents and take the lectures and grounding and phone taken away.
i have to get my license...even if i have to beg.
2 people i know passed away this weekend. on the same day.
i was close to my aunt and shes been on my mind.
now she is gone and i can't see her.
i wont be able to see my brothers friend anymore either.
whats happening with the world today.
tears fill my eyes as i see images of someone close that is now far away.
situation with dad is complicated. "alot has changed in a year" so he says yet hes staying at my brothers house because there are problems over there. he made my brother promise not to tell.
single has its up and downs. its different moods. somedays ur lovin it. somedays ur not. somedays u can live without someone, somedays u wish someone was there with you. all in all feelings of lonliness overrule the good life. well...for me.
seems like life is good for others. which is great. i just wish i was one of them. to at least feel liek my life is good.