it's not ALL bad...

May 11, 2011 02:08

i figured i should post something to show that it's not all fear and heartbreak, in my world.

in fact, i've been feeling much better lately.  not that there's been much luck on the job front, but i maybe have a glimmer of hope for an internship as a pharmacy technician.  most likely not a paid internship, but at least then i'll get some hands-on experience.  i'm pretty sure that's why i've had such bum luck finding a pharmacy tech job.

joel let me order this epic t-shirt as an early birthday present!! :D  they had it on, so we couldn't pass up getting it for $10.  i can't wait till it shows up.  and the artist is amazing!  Megan Lara - look her up.  anyway, he says he still wants to find something else for me, but i dunno.  there's a few things that i want, but at the same time i'm not sure i want him to spend the money right now.  i guess we'll be okay, either way

mother's day was hard to get through, but i managed.  it helped that April and Kevin went out for the evening, and left Kyle with us... he was being super cute, and after we got home from dinner, he curled up on the couch with us to watch one of his movies.  it's hard to be sad when you're faced with a 3 year old who's singing along with the radio in the car, and trying to tickle you, and telling you he "loves you, too"

anyway, there's not much else to report.  i practically live at the library, these days... i spend a lot of time reading, and watching tv, and surfing the internet looking for jobs.  occasionally i pull out the jewelry stuff, and make a few pieces, but my paypal account is a bit locked up, so i'm not posting anything new in my etsy store until it gets cleared up.  yay. :P

we've pretty much adopted this as our theme song...

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and this one is one of my current favorites (although admittedly, i try to spend as few lazy days as possible, because it gets boring :P)

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