Dec 15, 2013 19:06
Holy salted carp I only have a few months left! I don't really want to leave, but I know it's time... I've finally found people at work I get along with all right, and I am enjoying teaching... oh and there's that pretty girl (not at work, haha)
But as I said, I know it's time. I need to move on. But what do I do next? I could teach ESL somewhere else, but do I want to? Maybe I should reconsider Peace Corps. I just.... don't want to have to live somewhere without computers, to be entirely honest. I would be very, very sad.
I'm also thinking I might go to grad school to become a speech language pathologist. I think... seeing kids get laughed at for stuttering or an important message getting diluted because the speaker doesn't have the courage to enunciate makes me want to go for it. I want to give people the power to make their voices heard.
Also, beef jerky is surprisingly good for hangovers, hahaha. Nrg. Never drinking wine again.