9- Time

Oct 03, 2007 10:48

This city reeks of spilled blood.....

A strange place to be sure...... I would suggest to new arrivals to quickly arrange for shelter and means of nourishment. Neglecting to do would be irresponsible.

On a lighter note, WELCOME to the City~! From what I've seen, it's a rather rough place here, so I advise you all to take the utmost caution. However, you should still strive to go about your normal business. Stick to the safe areas and just use common sense! If you're injured, you should make your way to the hospital as soon as you are able. We're fully-staffed and ready to help as necessary.

Ah, introductions, of course! My name is Faust. I'm a doctor. Pleased to meet you~!

welcome to the machine, weclome to the city, hospital, newcomers, dr baghead

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