Ok! Regarding double icons winning and such, I have received several suggestions and ideas:
One: When a person submits both icons and they both win, the second icon will be replaced by the next winning icon. For example, say submitterA submits icon 1 and 2. If icon 1 wins first and icon 2 wins third, icon 2 will be replaced by the next winning icon.
Two: When two icons are entered and are placed one after another, they both will just place for the highest placement. For example, if icon 1 and 2 wins second and third, they both will just be placed as second.
Three: Hall of Fame. If someone wins first place three times in a row they will be put into the 'Hall of Fame' and given a banner but will be asked not to participate for the following three weeks. Feel free to suggest anything like if you think they should be asked not to participate a week or something.
Many thanks to
wicked_enough who suggested the last two!
Perfect timing for my paid account to expire so if its no trouble, I'm going to ask everyone to comment and vote which method they prefer the most. Comments are not screened in case something is up for discussion but by request, I'll screen them. If you want to keep the status quo, as in do nothing at all, you can vote for that too. Remember guys, this place if for you all so feel free to jumble suggestions and add stuff. Feel free to ask any questions!