[Log]Checkers, anyone?

May 06, 2007 20:36

Who: Artemis and Jun.
What: Playing checkers-- ending with Jun cheating and winning himself a prize~ ♥
Where: Jun's room.
When: ... I believe it was on Friday.
Why: Because Artemis foolishly challenged Jun.


Note 2;; We haven't settled into our characters yet~ So Jun is logged a bit... weird. :((((( I still think Artemis is perrrrfect~ ♥

Note 3;; Oh ho~ It's not a script log~ Tell you that much.

Note 4;; Ho hum~~ I haven't edited this very thoroughly. Incorrect spelling and all? Feel free to poke me and save me some work~ Oh ho ho~

Jun hums as he sits back against his chair, towelling off his hair as he sits cross-legged by his computer. He wriggles his toes with a small noise before tugging at his loose t-shirt, pale purple eyes peering out the window contently. "Well..." Jun says softly, brushing his hair over one shoulder as he continues to towel the strands. "Hmm... Maybe skipping it once would be okay!"

Artemis, having Jun's address in his file, had found the house easily. He had asked the driver to drop him off a few blocks from the place, so that...he wasn't sure why, actually, but he irrationally didn't want anyone to know exactly where he was going. He frowned and stopped in front of the door. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. But since when does Artemis Fowl the Second back down from a challenge? He knocked on the door and waited.

Jun jumps at the knock, moving to the door as he calls to his mother that he would be the one to answer it. With the towel draped over his shoulders and smelling distinctly of light lavender from his shampoo, he opens the door, giving the teen before him a small smile. "Hi," he says, voice most likely a lot higher than Artemis thought it would be. Jun steps aside, long hair brushing against his back as he holds the door open. "Ready to have your butt beaten?"

Artemis smirks, stepping inside. "So confident, still." He, himself, starts to doubt his own abilities. Jun smells too good. "I'll make sure not to hold back on you," he adds, tilting his head.

Jun tilts his head to the side, smiling sweetly. "I do hope not. It takes the fun out of everything~" he gives a small giggle, closing the door as he leads the other upstairs to his room.

"This," he says, following Jun upstairs, "means that there is no way you will win." He frowns. "Why do you smell so good?" Actually, he should be asking 'why are you so intriguing', but he'd rather figure that out himself.

Jun pauses in his steps before giving throwing a giggle fit as he opens the door to his simply decorated room, turning to press his cheek against Artemis'. "If you'd like to know why I smell good... I use a rather expensive brand of shampoo," he whispers into Artemis' ear, blowing lightly. Jun pulls back with a suggestive smile, humming as he pulls out a box of checkers from his closet.

Artemis stands there, frozen, because that escaped him, and he's not known to not think before he speaks, and because Jun's cheek is pressed against his. And that has never happened. And it's really soft. He startles as Jun blows lightly against his ear and tries to regain his usual composure. "You - You'll have to tell me which kind it is," he says, clearing his throat lightly.

"Sit here," Jun pats on his bed, already setting up the checkers board. "I think we should play by your rules if you don't mind. I think mine may be a bit complicated," he smiles. Stretching, Jun absently continues to towel his hair before brushing is back over his shoulder.

Artemis sits (kind of stiffly) where Jun told him to, smirking again. "Complicated? Nothing's too complicated for me."

"Are you sure?" Jun says, a voice approximately a notch lower than it was before, hand brushing against Artemis' as he hands the brunette a checker piece. "Then you can explain."

Artemis gulps, all signs pointing to the fact that Jun is flirting with him, and yes, he only just really realized this. "Uh. Let's just play by the normal, typical rules," he says hurriedly, putting the piece down.

Jun muffles a laugh, enjoying how flustered the teen seem to be. Jun hums, shifting on his bed as he moves a piece to the left. "If you say," he gives a sweet smile. It'll be easy to win as long as he keeps Artemis distracted. Oh ho~ This can't be called cheating. <3

Artemis thinks he'll have to concentrate on this one, and not underestimate Jun. But it was a little hard with the way the other boy was smiling at him. This was disturbing. But in a good way. Maybe. Yes. He doesn't know. So he stops thinking about it. He smirks, moving his own piece on the board. "Where did you learn to play checkers, Jun?"

Jun's tongue poke out from between his lips, dragging across slightly dried flesh as he moves another piece. "Uhm~? Well... I learnt it when playing with Anzu-chan," he gives a small laugh. "She was so bad at explaining!"

Artemis very professionally looks away, clearing his throat again. "Do you play often?" He moves another piece and puts it down a little louder than he normally would've.

Jun gives Artemis another one of his sweet smiles, easily hopping over a piece Artemis had left unattended when looking away. "Not reaaally," he replies softly, voice practically giving off a purr.

Dammit. Artemis blinks and stares at the board, until his lips curve in another smirk, eyes narrowing. He takes one of his pieces and hops over the one that Jun's last move freed. "You are a good player for someone that doesn't play often."

Jun leans close to Artemis, bangs brushing gently against Artemis' cheek and he pushes the piece forward, lips parting. "Mhmn... that was unfair~" he says with a whisper, pulling back with a bright smile. "Your turn."

Artemis would pull away, but that would just show weakness, and prove Jun that he's winning(not that he isn't already by his every reaction), instead staring at the wall behind him. "I don't see how, really. An eye for an eye," he mumbles, still not looking at Jun, and moving his own piece forwards.

"An eye like this?" Jun catches Artemis' gaze, staring at the brunette before his gaze flickers toward the board, pushing a piece forward. Really, this only makes Jun was to cuddle him. How terribly cute! He's never been good at holding back from pouncing on cute things.

"...Yes. Uh." He looks back down at the game, taking his piece and hopping over one of Jun's distractedly. "I mean. It's a saying. Uh."

Jun pouts now, shifting as he moves another piece, leaning back against his bed. "What is your favourite colour?" he questions, pale purple eyes bright with a hint of mischief. He won't lose so easily...

"Purp - " Artemis stops himself, because he's saying something without thinking, again. "I've never bothered with favourite colours. It's a childish thing to think about." He huffs a little, moving his piece with barely a glance at the board. He's busy looking elsewhere.

Jun's eyes peer down at the board. As a smile creeps onto his lips, he hops over one of Artemis' pieces, dropping it over to the edge. "Nee~ I think dark blue suits you fine," he says, sitting back as he tilts his head to one side. It's never childish to see what colour you match with, really. Jun has always known he looks good in purple.

Artemis' eyes can't help but narrow as his piece falls over the edge. He has to spend a few seconds considering the board, but then his train of thought is lost as Jun speaks again. He blinks and mumbles an awkward 'Thank you', his usual confidence and ego seeming displaced in this situation.

"Something wrong?" Jun leans just a bit closer, curiously peering at the boy now. "Hmm?" Jun's left hand is pressed against Artemis' knee as he leans forward, pressing the back of his right hand against Artemis' forehead. "Hmm." It wouldn't be fun if there really is something wrong with Artemis. Though Jun inwardly giggles, feeling that he will never tire of that flustered look on the brunette's face.

Artemis' eyes widen a bit, and he clears his throat, AGAIN. He'll have to look into lavender and the colour purple, to see if it can cause this kind of reaction in people, or cause a fascination, because he does not understand. He manages to get his expression under control a bit. "No, nothing's wrong," he says as normally as he can, ignoring as best as he can the hand on his knee and the other against his forehead. He's not used to this at all.

Jun rests his forehead against Artemis' for a moment before sitting back, satisfied with the answer. "It wouldn't be good if you got sick before I beat you to the ground," he says with a light laugh. "Your turn." Artemis' skin is much softer than it looks, Jun notes to himself, purple eyes observing the boy's move carefully. The shade of blue in the other's eyes is almost shocking... the first time Jun had seen Artemis' picture, he had decided he must see for himself... up close, Jun felt almost for a moment-- he is unable to breathe as those eyes are oh-so terribly suppressing and daunting. Jun curls a finger into his hair, pensively staring at the board while his thoughts ran in the opposite direction.

Artemis nearly grins as he moves his piece, hopping over two of Jun's. He looks up at him, smirking, one eyebrow raised. "Are you getting distracted, Jun?" he asks confidence flowing back in a little.

Jun blinks at Artemis. "... Ara~ When did that... happen..." Jun's lips curl into a small smile, leaning forward once more, arms sliding around Artemis' neck. "Maybe I'm not the one distracted... or maybe I am," he says, dangerously close to the other now. He untangles an arm from Artemis, hopping over another piece. "... King me." he says, breath mingling with Artemis' as their lips are barely an inch apart.

Artemis' mind is strangely blank at the moment. And, to be honest, he's kind of forgotten about the checkers game, even when Jun moves to hop over one of his pieces. He's never been this close to anyone and is trying not to hyperventilate and keep his typical Fowl cool, but is not very successful. He laughs nervously, staring awkwardly at Jun. "I...I think we're both equally distracted, perhaps."
"I'd have to agree..." Jun trails off as his eyes lid, pressing a kiss onto Artemis' lips.

Artemis widens his eyes almost comically as Jun presses his lips to his, freezing on the spot. This definitely breaches any distance he had ever put between himself and another human being...or underground being.

Jun presses Artemis back, knocking the board over the edge of his bed. He pulls back with a giggle, bracing himself above the other as his lightly coloured hair curtains his face. Seems like Artemis hasn't been so close to another before. How cute. Jun gives another small laugh, peering down at him. "So, I win, right?"

Artemis tries not to gape up at Jun, but can't really help it at this point. He opens and closes his mouth, frowning a little. "It seems so," he says finally, sulking. "Though I could easily call that cheating."

Jun leans closer, eyes lidding. "... Can you?" he tilts his head slightly, tongue flicking out to wet his lips. "Our deal is a date, right~" If Jun could, he would've given Artemis a heart at this point.

"No, because it is partly my fault. I've let myself get...distracted," he says, still frowning. It was not like him to let simple things like that get to him, but he assumed it came with puberty. He sighs, speaking again. "Yes, a date. If you wish."

"It almost sounds as if you don't want a date with me," Jun pouts, resting on top of Artemis now, peering down at the other. Jun feels his eyes lid slightly at the clean smell that is Artemis. Surely the other may be younger than he is, but Artemis does offers a sense of reassurance. Jun feels a slight smile curl on his lips as his fingers twist in his hair. "Am I such a bother~?"

"N-No," he stammers. "I just barely know you, and I am not...used to these situations." He shifts awkwardly under Jun, speaking again. "At all."

"You should get used to it," Jun picks at Artemis' hair, petting it down. Soft, but gelled-- hmm...

"I'll try." Artemis looks up at Jun's hand trying to see just what he's doing with his hair. "You're messing with my hair," he says, stating the obvious, something he, again, didn't tend to do. This puberty thing might be going a bit too far. He'd have to see if anything could be done about it.

"It's soft," Jun replies, giving Artemis a sweet smile as he leans back, tugging at his loose t-shirt. "Hmm~?" Jun grabs a hair tie, pulling his hair into a pony tail before reaching over the bed, pulling up a checker piece, pressing it to Artemis' lips. "And where should we go for our da~te?"

Artemis racks his brain for all the relationship related stuff he knows, but it takes a few seconds because he's kind of pushed it really far back. It wasn't like he'd need any time soon, or so he thought. He hesitates a bit eyes crossing to look at the checker piece on his lips before going back to Jun's face. "Do you...like movies? And a fancy restaurant, maybe?" he asks, making an apologetic face.

Laughing, Jun pulls the checker piece away from Artemis' lips, rolling the object between his fingers. "Movies would be fun... and a restaurant doesn't have to be fancy," he leans against Artemis, smile rather suggestive. "First date, hmm?"

Artemis twitches and frowns. "Of course not. I've gone out on dates before." Lies, all lies.

Jun smiles, stroking at Artemis' cheek with a finger. "... Oh, really...?" he says with a slightly unconvinced tone of voice.

Artemis flinches again as Jun's finger strokes his cheek. "Yes," he huffs somewhat indignantly. "A few times."

"Sure?" Jun pulls his hand back, staring at Artemis in silence for a while before pressing a kiss onto the other's lips. A tiny smirk sits at Jun's lips. "I'm sure we'll find out, hmm?" <3

Artemis blinks and splutters a little. Had he brought Butler, Jun would have been tackled to the ground a few times tonight. "We will. I'll use all my...expertise," he says, the last word sounding very hesitant.

Definitely first date, Jun analyzes. Unless... Artemis can prove it~ "... I'll be looking forward to our date then~ Expertise sounds rather promising." Jun really can't wait. This boy is certainly utmost interesting and awfully cute. It'd be hard to keep Jun off him after all.

"Sure," he says, before going silent and simply staying still, looking around and clearing his throat occasionally. "I should...go, for now. And you can pick the day of the date."
Jun laughs, pulling back and petting Artemis. "You should pick. You seem like a rather busy individual. And you shouldn't act like I would bite~ I only do that at a certain place," he teases. "I'll be looking forward to it... goodnight, then." Jun presses a kiss this time to Artemis' cheek, standing. "I'll walk you out."

"Hahahahahaha er," Artemis says, nervously. He stands up as well, pulling on his jacket and brushing invisible dust off of it, out of habit. "...Yes. Thank you."

Jun assist in brushing off Artemis' suit, tipping his head back just slightly to peer up at the other. "Hmmm. You're just a bit taller than I am~" Jun turns on his feet, leading Artemis out the room with a hum.

"At least I've got that advantage," he mumbles to himself as he follows Jun out of the room.

"Hmm? Did you say something?" Jun reaches the door of his apartment, blinking at Artemis before turning the knob after snapping the locks open.

Artemis startles and smiles as politely as he can. "Ah, no, nothing. Thank you for the game of checkers," he says, tilting his head forwards. "It was...different," he adds, smile faltering a little.

Jun blinks for a moment before offering a warm smile, reaching out to grab Artemis by his tie, kissing the other. "Mhm~ Goodnight~ Checkers was fun." He smiles, waving at the other. "Bye bye~"

"...Yes. Goodnight," he says, walking out and trying to keep the straightest face he can. How many kisses was that? 3? He turns to wave back awkwardly, and almost misses a step in the stairs. His mind is already on what websites he'll have to look through to earn all this "expertise".
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