Fall Semester

Sep 17, 2005 15:51

So far so good? I guess that is a fair statement...even though I have yet to get back anything with any sort of grade on it.I turned in a Chaucer paper which is now at the mercy of Dr. Nickinson. We had two options to write on. I was the only one in the class that chose option 2; I took the road less traveled. Perhaps the grade will reflect why.

Philosophy of Religion is rough. I have no religious background whatsoever. But it has been educational...which is goood...since it's school. Hmmm. I have a reflection due Tuesday I think. Yeah school is a lot easier when you actually read the assigned text. Funny how that works eh? I still am not quite sure though. I mean I like the depth, and such, of discussion but there are times I think we are all fucked(as humans) anyway. Predeterminism=no free will? Yeah there are some fun little questions to ponder over though. I have found the best way to reason is to talk to yourself. And since my car radio died, somehow, I usually have these discussions on my way to and from school. I have found getting home is faster...which to me is quite odd.

East West Culture to 1400 is really exciting and so far pretty easy. Now I will bomb the first of three tests lol. I am doing my project of doom on Beowulf...yes, finally an excuse.:D

In other news, another girl from my Chaucer class and I are planning a Monty Python festival at USF sometime this year. I am not expecting a huge turnout but I think a few professors will show up.

To me this semester is flying by. Maybe it's my new job or my cool classes. I am not sure. But I can say not working 40 hours a week at Wally is very nice. My school work is no longer on the back burner and my new job is easy. I work in 4 hour shifts watching children and since I want to be a teacher why not get in some experience now. I did the retail thing, the mortgage thing. After this job I would like to work in the medical field, vetrinary or otherwise. Since I will be in the educational field afterwards I figure I will have a lot accomplished barring an unexpected early death.
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