reminder, challenge 70

Nov 04, 2006 19:27

I tried to get on LJ earlier, but the system was down! Here is a just over 24 hours reminder to get your Vivian icons in here. We have some nice entries so far, but I'd love more participation. Because I couldn't get the reminder up until now, if you would like an additional 24 hours to work on your icons, please comment here, and I'd be willing to extend the challenge until Monday night. If I don't hear from anyone, it will still end Sunday night at 10pm EST.

I had planned on inserting a poll, but don't have the chance to do so at the moment. Keep your eyes peeled, though, because I should have one up in the next week.

I hope to see a lot of great Vivian icons! :)

ETA: Someone requested the extension, so you now have until Monday night at 10pm. Have fun!
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