Just Another Brick - Master List

Feb 06, 2010 21:34

Title: Just Another Brick

Author: illyriaz_shell

Fandom: Heroes

Characters: Peter, Sylar (of the non-slashy variety)

Rating: T (ish?)

Disclaimer: Nothing’s mine.

Warning: Spoilers up to 4.18. Also, if you’re looking for Sylar/Peter slash, you will be sorely disappointed. This series of ficlets are all of the non-naughty variety (though, if I could write slash, goddamn did the writers make it easy in “The Wall”)

Summary: A bunch of non-continuous ficlets showcasing missing scenes from the YEARS Sylar and Peter spent in their walled-in mind city.

A/N: Yes, I could list off the reasons why the entire Sylar/Peter storyline from "The Wall" is slashy. ("The only thing that' real is us." comes to mind. But I'm not a person who reads/writes slash, so I would be doing an injustice to slash fans if I tried. However, I do find the idea of Sylar and Peter trapped together for a decade incredibly compelling, and ideas just kept popping into my head about conversations they could have, and voila! I don't know how many I'll write, but I'm going to try and keep it as canonical as possible, so that each ficlet meshes with the scene at the end of "The Wall," i.e. Sylar and Peter are reluctant friends, but Peter has yet to truly forgive Sylar.

A/N 2: Yes, each chapter title is the name of a song from Pink Floyd’s “The Wall,” but these are not songfics (though click here for “Hey You,” as appropriate lyrics are appropriate.)


char: peter petrelli, type: non-romantic, char: sylar, type: angsty situation, heroes

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