Oct 29, 2010 00:21
So I signed up to to NaNoWriMo this year. I've never done it before, but my friend Chloe wheedled me into it. As I haven't done any writing for a while, I figure I'm due for some literary exercise.
If you don't know what NaNoWriMo is; National Novel Writing Month. You have to write a 50,000 word novel in one month. It's all about quantity over quality, breaking aspiring authors out of the tendency to let mistakes stop them in their tracks. It's pretty universal among aspiring writers to have a hard time finishing novels (I've only finished one, to date, and the publisher I sent it to said the wanted it expanded... so technically even that is unfinished).
Starting November 1st, I need to finish a minimum of 1,666 words per day to keep on top of the goal.
No life for Kat.
And what shall I write? Well, going through my old idea journal, and found yet another rendition of Beauty and the Beast - this one with halfling gods and greek/roman creatures, set in a contemporary city (not sure yet whether the creatures are 'out' or a secret society...
Why do I like the Beauty and the Beast story so much? I have a smutty sci-fi version already, and just found a third outline from 2007. I'm glad I write this stuff down, because I have NO memory of it.