Title: Art Class Might Just Be for Nakamaru
Author: wagahaiwaneko
Rating: PG/PG-13 for suggestive themes
Genre: fluff, romance, au, comedy
Pairing: Masuda Takahisa and Nakamaru Yuichi (KaT-TUN)
Length: Drabble
Word count: 591
Summary: This is an extension of my "Art School" series, in which various NEWS members attend or teach at Johnny's University of the Arts and perhaps (just perhaps) find love.
"And, 5, 6, 7, 8!"
Massu claps to the music excitedly, but once again, there's one student that catches his eye.
For all of the wrong reasons.
//////////////////////////////////////// Nakamaru Yuichi admits it. He's not the strongest at dancing. In fact, he thinks he's the worst in the young and very colorful dance professor's class. He gets it.
Then again, he only took this class because there was no beatboxing elective available at Johnny University.
So, at the advice of a friend, Jin Akanishi, he figured he'd give dancing a try.
Nakamaru finds it fun, so it all works out.