[multichap] Sad Fairytale : My Only Love {Chapter 2}

Jul 02, 2009 19:17

Sad Fairytale : My Only Love

Author : Aira

Fandom : NEWS, KAT-TUN

Pairing : RyoMassu, TegoPi, AKame

Genre : AU, crack for now

Rating : PG-13 to be safe.

Summary ; Modern day fairytale - A future-doctor and a playboy. Both from different world. But fate destined them to meet. It all started from hatred. They despised each other more than anyone could have imagine. Little do they know that love waits them at the end of the never-ending bickers..but fate was just too cruel..

Previous Chapters; Chapter 1


a: kt_nyusu, *multichapter, g: comedy, r: pg-13, c: masuda/nishikido

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