...I give up. From now on, updates will come sporatically. I admit it to myself.

Apr 01, 2009 15:28


Get used to it. :|;

...I'm sure you all already are.

Anyway, we played a really fun game in Japanese class today.


Yasuda-sensei split us up into guys and girls. She then titled the girls' group 「わがままなお姫様」 (selfish princesses) and the boys' group 「わがままな王子様」 (selfish princes).

Then we were told to make ten royal decrees each. After listening to us bicker for about ten minutes on both sides, she limited us to five. xD

So here's what the girls came up with.

My leg hurts, so won't you massage it?

It's dark, so won't you fetch me the moon?

This castle is too small, so won't you build me a bigger one?

I'm bored, so won't you dance for me?

I have no girlfriends, so won't you put on some womens' clothes?

I came up with the last two. :3b

At the end of class, Yasuda-sensei declared that we the girls were the most selfish. xD; The most the boys could come up with was stuff like 'make us a sandwich'. 'Kill Yasuda-sensei's favorite tennis player'. Losers. x3

Any grievous mistakes in Japanese are because I really suck at it. *hides from Loren* For those of you who have never studied Japanese, disregard what I just said. Of course my Japanese is immaculate and flawless.

Anyway, I'm really, really tired now. I just wanted to write this up before I forgot it. Yay leaky memory.

Nap time now. &hearts

Love you all.

...by the way. I really want to cosplay someone new for Acen. ; x ; Give us suggestions? Any kind at all, just throw them out there. Ideas first, practicality later. :3
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