BEDA Day 9: In Which Lisa Presents

Apr 09, 2013 23:46

Today was a really good day.
I gave my presentation (I was awful but my professor got what I was trying to say).
I got to spend time with my aunt and uncle which is always awesome.
We had dinner at a really nice restaurant with a CUTE waiter.
I found the classes I wanted and registered for Fall semester.
I hatched an idea and am now putting it into motion for my Birthday week and I'm quite excited.
I just can't wait for May.
I'm very happy.
Today I learned, with the help of Xanthe, that I'm the kind of person that knows the kinds of people I want to surround myself with because I know and understand myself really well. Those that always need people around or are always jumping from one people group to the next maybe don't know who they are yet and need to use those different interactions with people to figure themselves out.
Just a thought :)
I swear, talks with Xanthe are the best.
Time for sleeps.

OT5 of the Day

OTP of the Day

Jaejoong of the Day

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