BEDA 5: In Which Lisa Stresses

Apr 05, 2013 00:01

I should have read parts 3 and 4 of Children of Odin for a quiz on Monday
Have read up to page 165 of Mornings in Jenin by Tuesday
Have created a powerpoint presentation on a scholarly journal article by Tuesday
AND I'll be spending most of the day tomorrow dressed as a pirate making chili for people.
My procrastination has gotten out of hand.
I'm also freaking out because I'm feeling super fat.
Like so much bloating and ugh it's just the worst. I have pretty much quit running twice a week like I was which is unfortunate considering I'll be running a 5k in two weeks o.o
Luckily my aunt and uncle will be here this weekend and they can cheer me up like no one else. Although it's unfortunate because I have so much work to do and also it's my moms birthday and I haven't gotten her anything and can't remember my brilliant birthday gift idea.
So I'm a bit stressed at the moment.
But for now I need to go to sleep so I will see you again tomorrow, silent readers.

Jaejoong Photo of the Day

OT5 Photo(s) of the Day

OTP of the Day

Currently Reading

  -Not my school work >.<

  -Pairing: YunJae: Beauty and the Beast by love-cassiopeia

beda, day 5, beda day 5

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